Crossroads Prayer Requests for the Week! Let's Cry Out to God for Students To Be Born Again (James 5:16)!

We hope you are having a wonderful Sunday! We are sending out this email to ask you to partner in prayer with us as we cry out to God for our students this week.

Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all of these things will be added unto you." As you unite with our hearts to see God‘s goals for this week fulfilled, we are believing for your goals to be fulfilled also for the sake of the kingdom of God expanding everywhere!

Prayer Goals:

1) Please pray before, during, or after club times! Let's cry out to God for souls to be born again at every club meeting! Club 24/7: Two middle schools- Monday (7:30 a.m. CST)/Tuesday (7:10 a.m CST) and two high schools- Wednesday (7:10 a.m. CST)/Thursday (7:05 a.m. CST). Atlanta club: Thursday (7:50 a.m. EST). We are believing God for a catalytic gospel movement ‘AWAKENING’ that will win the whole school to Christ!

2) We will be reaching out to all partners to join a zoom prayer call as we launch our new website and new vision. We would initially like to grow from one to five Zoom calls per week. We would love to have you join a Zoom prayer meeting this week!

3) We are believing for five, catalytic, Gospel Crossroads staff members who will join five, catalytic, Gospel revival centers/churches/ministries where we can see school district-wide awakening (students and their families born again and added to local churches en masse!).

4) We need five revivalist, wealthy board members (we have two revival oriented board members right now) who will truly pour their hearts, finances, and wisdom into the kingdom of God!

5) Crossroads is praying about moving the central office to downtown Atlanta. May God give us wisdom on a new location.

Your prayers are greatly appreciated! We are praying with you for your miracles, also. May we see the students (and their families!) of the world born again and added to healthy, catalytic, Gospel centered local churches!

God bless,

Joseph and the amazing Crossroads Team


A Young Lady Shared Her Testimony During a Club Meeting in Montgomery and Encouraged Her Peers to Give Their Lives to Christ!


31 Salvations and 41 Rededications at the Atlanta Club! Jada Shared Her Powerful Testimony in Montgomery!