Jesus Teaches Us to Become Childlike to Experience His Kingdom (Matthew 18:3)!

In the Bible, Jesus teaches us to be childlike. It might seem a bit strange at first—why would anyone want to be more like a kid, right? But Jesus pointed out something super important about children that we often overlook as we grow up.

In the Bible, specifically in Matthew 18:3, Jesus says, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” So, what does it mean to become like little children? It’s not about being immature or childish, but embracing some awesome qualities that children naturally have.

Here’s what being childlike really involves:

  • Trust: Ever noticed how children have this incredible ability to trust? They rely on their parents or guardians without worrying. Jesus invites us to have that same trust in God—to rely on Him completely without trying to control everything.

  • Humility: Children aren’t caught up in trying to look better than others or striving for status. Being humble means we recognize our need for God and others, without an inflated sense of self-importance.

  • Joy and Wonder: Kids find joy in the little things and are constantly amazed by the world around them. As we grow older, we often lose that sense of wonder. Jesus encourages us to see the world and our faith with fresh eyes, full of awe and excitement.

  • Forgiveness: Children are quick to forgive and move on, not holding grudges like we often do. Emulating this can lead to much more peace and happiness in our relationships.

So, why not try this?

This week, take a moment to see where you can trust more, let go of pride, rediscover the joy and wonder around you, and choose to forgive quickly. It might just make a huge difference in how you experience life and connect with others.

Remember, becoming childlike is not about losing wisdom; it’s about gaining a heart that fully embraces the kingdom of God with open arms, just as a child would.

Love in Christ,

Joseph and Team


Continue to Pursue Jesus This Summer!
