83 Students Came to the ATL Club Rally! 18 Received Christ and 30 Rededicated Their Lives to Him! Thank You for Your Powerful Prayers!

Thank you for praying for the Atlanta Club Rally! There were an estimated 83 students in attendance with 63 sitting and 20 standing! From those that filled out info cards, 18 students received Christ and 30 rededicated their lives to Him!

A Crossroads staff member shared his testimony and expressed God's radical love for each student. He also gave two powerful illustrations from Dutch Sheet's "Give Him 15."  One story was about a young boy who was willing to give his life for his sister to survive the same disease he had conquered two years before. Jesus willingly gave His life for us! Another told of a woman who was fleeing from a large truck that was following her. She pulled into a service station to get help. When she looked back, the man ran to her car, jerked the door open and pulled out a man who was hiding behind her seat intending to do harm to her. This is how distorted our view of God can be! We are running from the One trying to save us!


Say a desperate prayer for students in Atlanta to receive Jesus as their Lord and Savior as we present the Gospel to them tomorrow morning! May many be 'born again' and become disciples of Christ during this club meeting!

Love in Christ,

Joseph, Prince, Ashley, and the Crossroads Team


The Atlanta Club is Having a Christmas Party TOMORROW (Thursday) from 7:50-8:10 a.m EST. Let's Cry Out for Souls!


The Atlanta Club is Having Another Rally TOMORROW (Thursday) from 7:50-8:10 a.m EST. Let's Cry Out for Souls!