The Atlanta Club is Having a "Thanksgiving Outreach Rally" TOMORROW (Thursday) from 7:50-8:10 a.m EST. Let's Cry Out for Souls!

Thank you for your continued intercession!

The Atlanta Club is having a "Thanksgiving Rally" TOMORROW (Thursday) from 7:50-8:10 a.m. EST. We are believing for souls to be saved, healed, and delivered! 

A precious young lady who lost her father especially needs prayer. She blamed God for his death, but like the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15, she is coming back to the Lord with a repentant heart. Our desire is for her (and all the students) to have a special love encounter with Christ. We desperately want these hurting students to connect with God as a Father. Many of them come from broken homes and have such painful stories. Only a deep love connection with Christ can truly heal their hearts.

May many be 'born again' and transformed during this outreach as we cry out to God for souls!

Love in Christ,

Joseph, Prince, Ashley, and the Crossroads Team


Happy Thanksgiving!


Happy Veterans Day!